Do you have an encouraging word for someone, an announcement for an event or just a story on how God has shown Himself faithful to you?

It’s Easy and It’s FREE!

Shoot your 25 second mySpot in LANDSCAPE MODE on your phone or camera. (Must be no longer than :25 seconds)

Upload your mySpot using either Dropbox or Email.

Your mySpot will air during our commercial breaks on WHBR and on the WHBR Facebook page.

Your FREE mySpot does not have to be professionally produced.
Pending approval, we will air your mySpot randomly.

  • Keep viewers informed of your events
  • Send encouraging messages to your supporters
  • Create a greater awareness to your cause
  • Great for churches and ministries!

Additional benefits:

  • Get a full :30 or :60 seconds of time
  • No mySpot branding
  • Unlimited upload changes – change your spot as many times as you like
  • Get a scheduled airing with airtime reports
Get three 30 second mySpots per week
Get six 30 second mySpots per week
or three 60 second mySpots per week
Get ten 30 second mySpots per week
or five 60 second mySpots per week
Choose Your Plan