When you support CTN you are sharing in the souls that are reached.
Thanks to your support, Christian Television Network is celebrating over 45 years of miracles!
That’s right, for over 45 years we’ve partnered together in Christian Television and God has been faithful to perform many miracles in the lives of our viewers. Please join us in celebrating our many years of blessings by giving a financial gift to your local station. Whether your gift is $50.00 or $5,000.00 it’s an expression of faith in the value of Christian Television.
Blessings, Yolanda D’Andrea Morris
Christian Television Network
To cancel your monthly giving with CTN you can contact
Christian Television Network, WCLF
o: 727-535-5622×4046 or email: donations@ctnonline.com
When you give to Christian Television Network
you are helping make a difference.
We call them partners – with your partnership we can carry the Gospel to more people
and more ways than ever.

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Christian Television Network
6922 142nd Ave., Largo FL 33771
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Click the Video to Watch Our “Pay it Forward” Financial Planning Program
A one-hour special from financial experts focusing on strategies of planned giving. These strategies can provide you with tax breaks and potential lifetime payouts as well as intentional ways to bless your family and ministries or charities of your choosing.

Greetings, I’m Sharon Seward, Director of Planned Giving at CTN. If you have any questions about Planned Giving, I’m here to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Planned Giving department.
Planned Giving Department