“Hope for Israel” is a one hour special with hosts Rob and Jen Mallan. This program highlights the events that have taken place since the Hamas attacks on Saturday, October 7. The program will be informing us of events that are currently unfolding in Israel. We will hear from the family of one of the hostages and a relief agency doing work in the region. We will pray for the leaders, soldiers, and families caught in the middle of this crisis. Rob and Jen will also be talking to Aliyah Foundation which is bringing in emergency aid, providing trauma support, and emergency evacuations to the area. 

We would like to thank Rabbi Curt Landry, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali (Great Aunt of Kidnapped Child Abigail),  Dr. Ben Lim from “Open Heavens World”, and Darryl Strawberry from “findingyourway.com” for all being a part of the program. A special thanks to Guy Leibovitz, the Israeli correspondent for Aliyah Foundation.

Let’s continue to pray for the peace of Israel.

Giving Makes a Difference

Together we are partnering with the Aliyah Foundation. A non-profit organization of Jews and Christians who are dedicated to the physical and spiritual restoration of Israel. They aim to raise global support for Israel by promoting dialogue and understanding through Education, Advocacy, and Humanitarian Aid.

GIVE TO CTN’S “HOPE FOR israel” Project.

100% of your donation goes toward the “Hope for Israel” project providing care and relief efforts during the current crisis in Israel.